Meditation society meets Monday
The next meeting of the Kona Interfaith Meditation Society will held Monday starting at 5:30 p.m. at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden, 75-1048 Henry St., in Kailua-Kona.
The program will include a video presentation by Christian contemplative James Finley speaking on “The Peace That Passes Understanding.” Finley, now a psychotherapist, is a former Cistercian monk, author of a number of works on contemplative spirituality, including one on Christian meditation, and a popular teacher and retreat leader.
There will also be discussion, a period of silence and refreshments. All are welcome.
For those wanting an introduction to Centering Prayer meditation, a class is offered at 5 p.m.
Info: Farley Jones at
Brain Injury Support group meets
The Brain Injury Support group meets from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at Hawaiian Rehab Services on Hualalai Road.
Pilates instructor, massage therapist and certified onsen therapist Steve Von Hargett will discuss the benefits of core training.
Invited are all brain injury, stroke or other neuro-trauma survivors, their families and caregivers, interested professionals and the public.
Info: Hawaiian Rehab, 329-0591 or Karen Klemme, 328-9498.
Meetings explain state lawmaking
The Legislature’s Public Access Room is offering office hours and a free legislative workshop, Your Voice, at numerous locations on the Big Island.
Topics include understanding the legislative process, deadlines and power dynamics, as well as tips and techniques on effective lobbying, testifying, and communicating with senators and representatives. How-to guides, informational handouts, and other resources will be available.
Prior to each presentation, there will be an “office hour” for those who want to drop in to pick up information or ask questions. The one-hour Your Voice workshop will follow.
Events are planned at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the West Hawaii Civic Center, Community Hale and at 6 p.m. Thursday at Thelma Parker Memorial Library in Waimea. Meetings will also be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Ocean View Community Center, and at 6 p.m. Oct. 19 at the North Hawaii Educational Resource Center in Honokaa.
Registration for the free workshops is encouraged but drop-ins are welcome.
Registration and info: 974-4000, extension 7-0478 or