Trump would take this country down
Again the house of spin lives. Gail Rice says everything Trump loves to say, and she believes it. I can’t believe that she really believes what she is saying, without proof. First the gloom and doom speech about how Trump is picked on by liberals. I am glad she was happy with the convention where the gloom and doom crowd continues to spread lies.
We have the largest military budget in the world, and it is more than all other countries’ combined, yet she believes that we are so weak that we could not protect ourselves. She says that we are “giving millions away to Iran.” Sorry Charlie, but the money actually belongs to Iran, like it or not, that was frozen under previous sanctions, and there is quite a bit of real facts out there that list the sanctions, but I guess in her passion she forgot to fact check her spin.
Iran has had the capability of nuclear weapons, and the treaty removes the components that can produce a working weapon. She says there is no way to vet Syrians from coming into our country. Actually, there is a very strict vetting system that takes 18-24 months, along with other checks. We do not have millions, or even thousands, of Syrians coming into the country without vetting.
I guess she forgot the information that Trump is racist and against any gay people, which has been on video for quite a while now. His plan is to remove any protections for gay people, and make the country “moral” again. Please fact check the tax reform plan that only gives breaks to the rich and creates a larger tax bill for the average person.
Is he going to bring back all the jobs his companies have sent to other countries? When asked that question he just rambled on about how rich he was.
The jobs he helped leave the country were manufacturing jobs that will not come back, because we no longer have the infrastructure to allow it to happen. He has gotten his money through bankrupting companies he buys with other peoples’ money. When asked for a copy of his tax returns, that is not required, he refused saying it was nobody’s business. But it is our business to be able to prove his spin about how rich he is. Is his wealth in buildings and companies that he has not paid for, or is it liquid, for investment?
He hires people and does not pay them, like the judgment of $300,000 for not paying a contractor for work done, and has broken almost every contract he ever signed. He is under investigation for fraud, stealing from students for a fake university that the government shut down as a fraud and is now under investigation for rape, and rape of a minor, along with all of his business practices. He doesn’t pay taxes since he keeps all his money out of the country, and has hundreds of suits against him for non payment of wages and contract sums. You know, like the Polish laborers that worked on Trump Towers and never got paid at all, were illegal aliens since not one of them had the proper work visas.
The old white men she talks about are people like McConnell, who on TV said that Obama was going to be a one-term president, and vowed, on TV, that any bills presented by Democrats would be shut down by Congress and never get a vote. He has done that very well, opting to prevent any bills, unless they are “loaded,” to get a vote. Are we going to have another war where we have to eliminate all public services to pay for it? Remember what Bush left for Obama to clean up?
The debt came from Bush and his two wars that were never declared. Bush stole over $1 trillion from Social Security to try to pay for his wars. Not to forget that we have to work with other countries to get things done with global trade agreements. She seems to think that we are the only one’s who are involved with these agreements. We have to work with the world, like it or not, and not plan to make us weaker by eliminating agreements that, if eliminated, would only hurt us and throw the world economy into chaos. Please make these statements only if you have really read the details of all these programs, or did the convention make you believe spin without truth? Go fact check with your concerns and you will find you know a lot less than you think.
Trump has stated, again on TV, that he will get rid of the Department of Education, Social Security, (which is not funded by the government) and the IRS. Yep, you want to keep people poor and uneducated, except for the Bible teachings, and make yourself really proud of what you have created. Let’s get rid of the only source of revenue to keep our country running by getting rid of the IRS. Smart move — not. If you are receiving any kind of help or funds from the government that all will go away, and then maybe you will extend your wealth to help others — not. You are the problem, with all your spin without facts, and it is people like you that will take this country down.
David Andrew Macdonald is a resident of Captain Cook