Take care of planet Earth ADVERTISING Take care of planet Earth To say that overpopulation is a huge problem we human beings on Mother Earth face is most definitely an understatement. At 7.4 billion people and rapidly growing, much too
Take care of planet Earth
To say that overpopulation is a huge problem we human beings on Mother Earth face is most definitely an understatement. At 7.4 billion people and rapidly growing, much too much stresses on Mother Earth is most definitely occurring. In my heart and soul, planet Earth can comfortably handle approximately 1.4 billion people and we are way over that statistic. Sad to say, planet Earth has come to a point where only 1 percent of its fresh water sources is readily available for human consumption. In addition to that, with human dependence on the burning of fossil fuels, fresh air is becoming a rarer commodity. With the human population ready to explode, the depletion of natural resources is most definitely occurring.
With the extinction of species — especially in Hawaii with the passing away of native fauna due to overdevelopment and loss of indigenous habitats — comes the loss of sources for medical breakthroughs in Hawaii and throughout the world. That is also a sad reality. While rain forests once covered 14 percent of Mother Earth’s lands, they now sadly cover only 6 percent of Earth’s landscape. Many experts say if nothing is done, the rest of these rain forests could be gone in less than 40 years.
Also, dangerous pandemics and epidemics are occurring all over the world. This leads to a decrease in life expectancy throughout the world. Lastly, the elevation of crime due to overpopulation is also a sad reality. We see illegal crime just exploding all over the world on a daily basis on the news. Politrickcians and mass media tend to lend a blind eye and deaf ear to the problems caused by overpopulation. I decided to speak up because I care for the keiki, the rest of the human population and remaining species on Mother Earth. In my heart and soul, I could care less about the discovery of any amount of new planets in our universe. I know of only one planet that we can subside on. We got to malama the aina better or else we humans will face extinction.
Dean Nagasako