Obituaries: 6-17-16
Editor’s note: Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service. The content is subject to editing to ensure parity treatment and style continuity.
Date of publication cannot be guaranteed. Memorial advertisements may be purchased through the newspaper advertising department.
Alfonso Luguliol
Alfonso Luguliol, 80, of Kailua-Kona, died June 8, 2016, He was born Oct. 27, 1935, in Ulith Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Alfonso worked for Yap State during his younger years and enjoyed fishing and helping out the community.
He is survived by sons, Augustino Guiormog of Oahu, Marky Yolwa of Hilo, Jeffery Ramadol, Basco Marle, Rosendo Haleng and Tony Mangisey of Ulith Yap State; daughters, Petra Tathog and Modesta Yangmog of Ulithi Yap State, Juliana Yalemar of Oahu, Mary Depey, Marie Tagolayang and Maxine Leyag of Kailua-Kona.
Friends are welcome for a 9 a.m. viewing and 10 a.m. funeral services June 18 at St. Michaels Catholic Church in Kailua-Kona.
Online Condolences may be posted on Arrangements by Ballard Family Mortuary-Kona.