VFW announces schedule ADVERTISING VFW announces schedule VFW Post 12122, behind Kona Locksmith off Kaiwi Street, will host several events this week. Pasta and salad with dessert will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday for $5. The Korean
VFW announces schedule
VFW Post 12122, behind Kona Locksmith off Kaiwi Street, will host several events this week.
Pasta and salad with dessert will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday for $5.
The Korean War Vets will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday. Their meeting will be followed by that of the VFW, the highlight of which will be election of the 2016-17 officers.
Info: Don Zero, (509) 879-1040.
Hilo trap and skeet range reopens
The Department of Parks and Recreation will reopen the Hilo Trap and Skeet Range today.
Located at 1010 Leilani St. in Hilo, the range will be open from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the weekends.
Range and tournament schedules are available at: www.hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation.
Info: John Kushi, 961-8733.
Kona Elks Lodge officer installation planned
Kona Elks Lodge will hold its 36th annual installation of officers on Saturday, with fellowship at 4 p.m., installation at 5, followed by a dinner of macadamia nut crusted fillet mignon for $20.
New officers for the 2016-17 Elk year ending March 31, 2017, are: John R. Smith, president; Larry Kniffin, first vice president; Janet Hunter, second vice president; Gina Torres, third vice president; Barbara Nance, secretary; Jim Grant, treasurer; James Buehler, inner guard; Carla Brown, chaplin; Allen Nance, esquire; Bridget Smith and Sally Dangerfield, trustees; Ernest Gianotti, presiding justice.
Installation will be conducted by Deputy District President Tom Bentkowski and other visiting past Elk Lodge presidents. Outgoing Kona Elks president Joe Reynolds, will also present awards for Elk of the Year, Officer of the Year, and Citizen of the Year. This event is open to all Elks and their guests.
Reservations for dinner: Call 329-2616 no later than Friday. Info: Joe, 334-0077.
Learn to grow food
in containers
Sponsored by The Friends of the Libraries, Kona, the Community Seed Library invites the public to a program with Ed Fenzl, certified master gardener, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
This presentation on the best methods of container and planter box growing of tropical plants in Hawaii will cover such topics as: building the boxes using recycled lumber, the use of tropical edible plants, soils, environment and potential challenges. The emphasis will be on successful container growing those who wish to grow an optimal amount of food in a small space. Handouts and construction plans will be provided.
Info: Natalie, (508) 264-7335, nehamah47@gmail.com.
Sitting and walking meditation class planned
Gavin Harrison will guide participants in sitting and walking meditation with talk and opportunity to ask questions from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
Groups are nondenominational and open to all. Attendees should bring own meditation cushion. Chairs are available.
Donations are accepted. Info: Matilda Tompson, 885-9206, TompsonP001@hawaii.rr.com, gavinharrison.net.