Police are asking that residents tell them how well the department is doing.
Police are asking that residents tell them how well the department is doing.
There is an anonymous Community Satisfaction Survey for the department running through the end of this month.
Hawaii Police Department Chief Harry Kubojiri said previous surveys have helped him identify actions the department could take to increase community satisfaction.
“This survey is one of the tools we use to improve our crucial partnership with the community by incorporating community feedback into our daily operations,” Kubojiri wrote in a press release. “By comparing the results of this year’s survey with the results of past surveys, we can gauge where we have improved and where we need further improvement.”
He also asked that the information be as specific as possible, so he can “help the department respond to the needs of our community.”
The survey is about five minutes long and includes both multiple-choice questions and the option to make individual comments.
“I read every comment,” Kubojiri said in the release. “The more specific the feedback is, the better this department can respond to the needs of our community.”
The data is collected and compiled by a third-party, who will provide it to police. The results of the survey will be posted on the department’s website. It is the first item in the body of the department’s website at www.hawaiipolice.com.
The survey closes at 4 p.m. March 31.