About Town: 2-7-16
Historical society bakes bread for Shrove Tuesday
Kona Historical Society will bake an oven full of Portuguese cinnamon bread and country garlic bread on Tuesday, just in time for Shrove Tuesday (also known as Fat Tuesday in areas that celebrate Mardi Gras).
Portuguese celebrate Shrove Tuesday in preparation for the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. The public is invited to visit the society’s Portuguese stone oven in Kealakekua to pick up some fresh baked bread after 12:30 p.m. The bread is $8 per loaf and is available on a first come, first served basis until sold out.
Every Thursday, Kona Historical Society bakes almost 100 loaves of sweet, white and whole wheat bread,
Info: 323-3222, konahistorical.org.
Building and Design Expo coming up
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce presents the 11th annual Building and Design Expo Feb. 12 through 14 at the Sheraton Kona Resort and Spa at Keauhou Bay’s Kaleiopapa Convention Center.
Celebrity Chef Sam Choy, known for his Hawaiian cuisine, will feature his newest kitchen accessories line and offer a live cooking demo and book signing.
More than 40 vendor booths will exhibit their goods and services in the three-day event. From general contracting and materials to home design and decor including fine art, the expo often features furnishings, blinds and shutters, window-tinting, kitchen countertops, cabinets and flooring, pest control, solar products and financing.
Info: marketing@kona-kohala.com, 329-1758.
Hilo trap and skeet range closed for statewide tourney
The Hilo trap and skeet range will be closed to public shooting on Saturday and Feb. 14 to accommodate a statewide tournament.
The Pacific International Trapshooting Association will hold its 2016 State Championship Feb. 12 through 15 the at range. The association welcomes spectators to watch the competition free of charge.
Info: John Kushi at 961-8733.
Korean War veterans meet
The Korean War Veterans Association of West Hawaii Chapter 279 will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the VFW meeting hall, 74-5543 Kaiwi St., Suite 185A behind Kona Locksmith at the corner of Kaiwi Street and Pawai Place.
Membership is open to any person who has seen honorable service in any of the Armed Forces of the United States, defined as Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard if said service was within Korea, including territorial waters and airspace at any time Sept. 3, 1945, to the present, or service was outside of Korea June 25, 1950, to Jan. 31, 1955. Associate members are also welcome.
Info: Vice President Ronald Cole, 327-9304, or David Simon 769-4427.
Composting workshops offered
Recycle Hawaii is offering composting classes from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday at Earth Matters Farm near Ocean View and on March 5 at Keaau Reuse Center. There is no charge for these workshops, however donations and memberships to Recycle Hawaii are appreciated. Advance registration is required by contacting Marsha Hee at hiartrecycle@gmail.com or 985-8725. Worms and worm bins will be available for purchase from the instructor at the workshop.
Recycle Hawaii has offered more than 260 home composting and vermiculture workshops since 2004. Master composter-educator Ann Hassler, who has conducted most of this outreach and education since 2006, moves to Washington in March.
Info: recyclehawaii.org.
Mauna Kea Quilters group meets
Mauna Kea Quilters will meet Saturday at Thelma Parker Memorial Library in Waimea.
The group of patchwork quilters donates quilts to raise money for worthwhile organizations and has provided quilts to the police and fire department and North Hawaii Community Hospital for those in need.
The group welcomes new attendees to its monthly meetings which are held from 9:30 a.m. to noon on the second Saturday of each month.
Info: Becky Parkinson, 937-2159
Wine and food event benefits West Hawaii community
The Rotary Club of Kona Mauka announces the 14th Annual Valentine’s Wine Tasting Celebration and Fundraiser, which will be held Saturday in Kailua Village.
The annual fundraiser features fine wines, chef inspired foods, live music and a silent auction benefiting local community projects and scholarships. This year the event will be held at Hulihee Palace.