West Hawaii Today
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Blue Tattoo Blues Band

Chil’n on the Bay/6:15 PM

Info: 315-6640


Bula Akamu and Mati Laino with keiki

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com


CJ Conklin

Huggo’s Restaurant bar/7:30-10:30 PM

Info: 329-1493


George Wit

Huggo’s On the Rocks/3-5 PM

Info: 329-1493


Eddie Heaukalani with hula

Huggo’s On the Rocks/6-8 PM

Info: 329-1493


Larry Dupio Band

Huggo’s On The Rocks/8:30-11 PM

Info: 329-1493


Johnny Shot

Laverne’s Sports Bar/6:30-10:30 PM

Info: johnnyshot.com


Dennis Garcia

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./11 AM

Info: daylightmind.com


Hula show

Keauhou Shopping Center/6-7 PM

Info: www.keauhouvillageshops.com


Friends of Bluegrass

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./5 PM

Info: daylightmind.com


Bobby G and Phillip

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./5:30 PM

Info: daylightmind.com


APAC presents ‘Christmas with Mark Twain’

Aloha Theatre/7:30 PM

Tickets are $22 for adults; $20 for seniors and students; and $10 for keiki younger than 18.

Info: apachawaii.org, 322-9924



Lorenzo’s Army

Blue Dragon/6:30-10 PM

Info: bluedragonrestaurant.com


Victoria Prince

Lava Lava Beach Club/2:15-4:15 PM

Info: lavalavabeachclub.com


Ninodem with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-7 PM

Info: lavalavabeachclub.com


Henry Kapono

Lava Lava Beach Club/7:30-9:30 PM

Info: lavalavabeachclub.com


Rootz Republik

Big Island Brewhaus/6-9

Info: 887-1717


Keiki hula performance

Kings’ Shops/6-7 PM

Info: kingsshops.com


Frank Rolon Jr.

Banjy’s Paradise Bar & Grill/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: 883-3853


Alohi Polynesian Dance Academy

Queens’ MarketPlace/6-7 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net


Lee Stewart

The Paniolo Country Inn/5-8 PM

Info: 885-4377



Aloha Friday on the Porch

Volcano Art Center Gallery/11 AM

Info: 967-8222





Kona Choral Society offers ‘Joy to the World’ holiday performances

Makaeo Events Pavilion/4 PM

Free holiday concert featuring the 90-member adult chorus and KCS youth choruses. Full story on page 3.

Info: konachoralsociety.org



Korner Pocket/8-11 PM

Info: 322-9994


Kenny C.

Kailua-Kona Public Library/3 PM

Info: 327-4327


LEGO Junior Makers

Kailua-Kona Public Library/10 AM

Free program for children ages 4 to 11. Program limited to first 20 children and their adult partners.

Info: 327-4327


George Wit

Huggo’s Restaurant bar/7:30-10:30 PM

Info: 329-1493


Victoria Prince

Huggo’s On the Rocks/3-5 PM

Info: 329-1493


Kevin Teves with hula

Huggo’s On the Rocks/6-8 PM

Info: 329-1493


Pacific Fusion

Huggo’s On The Rocks/8:30-11 PM

Info: 329-1493


Volcano Choy Jr.

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com


KTPS Save Our Studio fundraising event

Kona Theatre Preservation Society dance studio, Halekii Street/10AM-4PM

Info: Marylei Drake 345-5803


Lee Stewart

Amici’s Italian Restaurant/5-8 PM

Info: 322-9582


Keauhou Farmers Market 10th anniversary celebration

78-6831 Alii Drive/8 AM

Info: www.konacountyfarmbureau.org


APAC presents ‘Christmas with Mark Twain’

Aloha Theatre/7:30 PM

Tickets are $22 for adults; $20 for seniors and students; and $10 for keiki younger than 18.

Info: apachawaii.org, 322-9924


‘Island Naturals Cookbook’ author at Kona Stories

Kona Stories bookstore/11AM-3 PM

Gina Franchini, a longtime Big Island resident, will share samples from her new coobook.

Info: www.konastories.com



Kona Harp Ensemble – Celtic Christmas

Kahilu Theatre/6 PM

Tickets range from $15 to $30. Event will also feature a CD release party.

Info: kahilutheatre.org



Banjy’s Paradise Bar & Grill/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: 883-3853


Johnny Shot

Blue Dragon/6:30-10 PM

Info: bluedragonrestaurant.com


Stephon Bushon

Lava Lava Beach Club/2:15-4:15 PM

Info: 769-5282


Full Circle with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: 769-5282


Sasha Knowles Dance presents ‘Nutcracker with a Twist’

Queens’ MarketPlace/3 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net


Kamehameha Schools’ Concert Glee Club performance

Hapuna Beach Prince Hote Reef Lounge/6-7 PM

Info: N/A


Monthly mini concert: Ekolu Mea Nui

Queens’ MarketPlace/6-8 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net


Twilight at Kalahuipuaa

Eva Parker Woods Cottage, Mauna Lani/5:30-8:30 PM

Talk story under a full moon with Historian Danny Akaka.

Info: www.maunalani.com



Hula Kahiko with Na Wai Iwi Ola

Volcano Art Center/10:30 AM

Info: www.volcanoartcenter.org


Na Mea Hula with Haamauliola Aiona

Volcano Art Center lanai/9:30AM-1:30 PM

Info: www.volcanoartcenter.org





LT Smooth

Huggo’s on the Rocks/3-6 PM

Info: 329-1493


LT Smooth and Bruce Collins

Huggo’s on the Rocks/6:30-10 PM

Info: 329-1493


APAC presents ‘Christmas with Mark Twain’

Aloha Theatre/2:30 PM

Tickets are $22 for adults; $20 for seniors and students; and $10 for keiki younger than 18.

Info: apachawaii.org, 322-9924


Kona Choral Society offers ‘Joy to the World’ holiday performances

Makaeo Events Pavilion/4 PM

Free holiday concert featuring the 90-member adult chorus and KCS youth choruses. Full story on page 3.

Info: konachoralsociety.org



Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com



Daylight Mind Coffee Co./9 AM

Info: daylightmind.com


Mana and Eke

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./5:30 PM

Info: daylightmind.com


Greg Shirley Duo

Honu’s on the Beach Restaurant/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 331-6388


Sean Wilkinson

Don’s Mai Tai Bar, Royal Kona Resort/5-7

Info: royalkona.com



Jesse Snyder Trio

Blue Dragon Restaurant/6-9:30 PM

Info: bluedragonrestaurant.com


CJ Conklin

Lava Lava Beach Club/2:15-4:15 PM

Info: 769-5282


Full Circle with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: 769-5282


Brian Vasquez

Queens’ MarketPlace/6-8 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net





Neil Barnett

Splasher’s/6-9 PM

Info: johnnyshot.com


Brian Vasquez

Huggo’s On the Rocks/6-10 PM

Info: 329-1493


Greg Shirley Duo

Honu’s on the Beach Restaurant/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 331-6388


George Wit

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com



West Hawaii Dance Theatre presents ‘The Nutcracker’

Kahilu Theatre/6 PM

Tickets range from $18 to $33. See full story on page 8.

Info: kahilutheatre.org, whdt.org


Tropical Vibrations Trio

Kings’ Shops/7:30-9:15 PM

Info: kingsshops.com


Kevin Teves with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: 769-5282


Halau O Poohala performance

Queens’Marketplace/6 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net





Kevin Teves with hula

Huggo’s On The Rocks/6-10 PM

Info: 329-1493


Greg Shirley Duo

Honu’s on the Beach Restaurant/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 331-6388


Dennis Garcia

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./3 PM

Info: daylightmind.com


Zouk and Salsa Night

Daylight Mind Coffee Co./7:30 PM

Info: daylightmind.com


Halau Na Kupuna o Kona Alii performs

Kona Coast Shopping Center/ 10:30 AM-noon

Info: krystal@colliershawaii.com


Paani Pila

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com



Christian Enns’ pop-up gallery reception

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel/6-8 PM

Info: 315-1950


Original Music Tuesday

Big Island Brewhaus/6-9

Hosted by Rachael Scott

Info: 887-1717


West Hawaii Dance Theatre presents ‘The Nutcracker’

Kahilu Theatre/6 PM

Tickets range from $18 to $33. See full story on page 8.

Info: kahilutheatre.org, whdt.org


John Keawe

Kings’ Shops/7-8:45 PM

Info: 886-8811


Pomai Nephi Brown with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: lavalavabeachclub.com





Volcano Choy Jr. and jazz group

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com


Bass & Uke with Friend

Kona Sunset Farmers Market at Kmart parking lot/2-5 PM

Info: konasunsetmarket.com


Greg Shirley Duo

Honu’s on the Beach Restaurant/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 331-6388


Lee Stewart

Amici’s Italian Restaurant/5-8 PM

Info: 322-9582


Full Circle with hula

Huggo’s on the Rocks/6-10 PM

Info: 329-1493



Aulani’s Hula Halau performance

Queens’Marketplace/6 PM

Info: queensmarketplace.net


Brandon Nakano with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: 769-5282



Kings’ Shops/7-8:45 PM

Info: 886-8811


Neil Barnett

Mauna Lani Ocean Grill/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 883-3853





Neil Barnett

Splashers/3-6 PM

Info: 883-3853


Pomai Serenaders

Rays on the Bay/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: raysonthebay.com


Greg Shirley Duo

Honu’s on the Beach Restaurant/5:30-8:30 PM

Info: 331-6388


Tomi Isobe with hula

Huggo’s on the Rocks/6-10 PM

Info: 329-1493


Full Circle

Huggo’s Restaurant bar/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: 329-1493


Cyril Pahinui

Don’s Mai Tai Bar/5-7 PM

Info: 930-3286


Kupuna Crafts

Keauhou Shopping Center/6-7 PM

Info: www.keauhouvillageshops.com



Classic Castaways

Hilton Malolo/8-11 PM

Info: johnnyshot.com


Tommy M.

Luana Lounge/6-9 PM

Info: damstr8hawaii@aol.com


Kimberly June with hula

Lava Lava Beach Club/5-9:30 PM

Info: 769-5282


Frank Rolon Jr.

Banjy’s Paradise Bar & Grill/6:30-9:30 PM

Info: 883-3853