Paper should present both sides of an issue ADVERTISING Paper should present both sides of an issue Thank you for letters on both sides of the refugee issue, though I also fully realize the editorializing going on with the stories
Paper should present both sides of an issue
Thank you for letters on both sides of the refugee issue, though I also fully realize the editorializing going on with the stories printed recently about the World War II refugee and the local community reaching out to a young victim of Sharia law (forced marriage) who was an exchange student here.
Wouldn’t it be nice if every refugee story turned out to be warm and fuzzy like those West Hawaii Today featured, but reason tells a different story. Several refugees admitted to our country years ago have committed terror (the Boston Marathon bombers and the guy who killed five at the recruiting center to name just two). Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has served two tours in Iraq. She knows of what she speaks and is willing to buck the party to honestly represent our best interests.
And before closing, I would really like to see the paper print both sides of the climate change issue to balance all the dire predictions often seen on that subject in our paper. For instance where’s the follow-up or verification when we hear President Barack Obama’s near apocalyptic warnings in Paris that “the effects of global warming would soon engulf the world — submerging entire countries, annihilating cities and leaving fields barren?” I know the government elites of the world tell us that the science is settled (to the point where 27 percent of Democrats and 12 percent of Republicans want to investigate and prosecute scientists and others questioning global warming), but there are two sides to that story as well.
Wasn’t it nice when we lived in a free country and had a free press?
Michelle “Mikie” Kerr
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