“His Majesty’s Goldfish” is a new children’s book based on a true story written by Austin Strong, stepgrandson to Robert Louis Stevenson. When Strong was young, he and his parents sailed to Hawaii after his father, artist Joseph Strong, was commissioned to paint an erupting volcano.
“His Majesty’s Goldfish” is a new children’s book based on a true story written by Austin Strong, stepgrandson to Robert Louis Stevenson. When Strong was young, he and his parents sailed to Hawaii after his father, artist Joseph Strong, was commissioned to paint an erupting volcano.
Once here, the younger Strong discovered that his family didn’t have goldfish swimming in their horse trough outside their home — something the neighbor kids teased him about because goldfish swim in the horse troughs of the wealthy. Then one day, two visitors tell of a precious gift from their emperor to King Kalakaua — double-tailed goldfish. Immediately, Strong is determined to catch a goldfish for his family’s trough, but when he arrives at the park, he learns fishing is prohibited and is left to decide whether to steal the fish and stop the teasing, but face the ultimate punishment.
“His Majesty’s Goldfish” is written by Hawaii resident Leslie Ann Hayashi and illustrated by Bryson Luke and Molly Branch.
Info: www.mutualpublishing.com.