Guantanamo wouldn’t be empty long ADVERTISING Guantanamo wouldn’t be empty long Cuba couldn’t care less if America abandons Guantanamo. They, Cuba, would not like losing the income from the U.S. so I am sure they will be practical about it
Guantanamo wouldn’t be empty long
Cuba couldn’t care less if America abandons Guantanamo. They, Cuba, would not like losing the income from the U.S. so I am sure they will be practical about it and simply lease it to either Russia or to China. That would bring the superpowers together who would then become good neighbors and live happily ever after.
Hugo von Platen Luder
Free confidential testing would help
Public health needs to know where the dengue cases are, and where the people have been. No one is going to pay for a blood test until they are convinced they are sick.
How about free confidential testing? They know how. They do it for STDs.
Ken Obenski
Kaohe, South Kona
Delivery driver asks others to back off
I am a delivery driver for an auto parts company in Kona. My vehicle is blazoned with stickers advertising my company, including a phone number to call if I make you mad. So here’s the thing: I cannot speed, so if you want me to exceed the speed limit, it’s not gonna happen. So don’t tailgate me. I ain’t gonna risk my driver’s license and ultimately my job because you want me to go faster — back off.
Now if I do do something, like cut you off or run a red light, call the number on the back of the car and report me. We have eight drivers and rack up a lot of miles weekly. We need to do it safely and a bad driver needs to be working elsewhere.
Janet Jasper
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