UPW doesn’t look to be part of the solution
UPW doesn’t look to be part of the solution
I am very annoyed by the United Public Workers’ slickly produced ads that state health care is people. Yes, health care is people, I get it. However, the overhead cost of these same people is strangling the hospitals to death. I don’t see the unions, such as the UPW, helping matters by reducing that overhead cost. All I see is the UPW filing lawsuits to keep the status quo.
The status quo is unsustainable. Kona Community Hospital, which is the only critical medical facility in the Kailua-Kona area, is experiencing operating losses in the millions of dollars. The taxpayers have covered these loses thus far. This cannot continue.
The saving grace for the future of our hospitals is partnering with a privately run entity, such as Queen’s or Kaiser. This doesn’t fit into the UPW’s plans though, as they believe their members needs supersede the needs of the overall community.
If UPW did more to reduce the overhead personnel costs at these hospitals, then I would view these ads a bit more favorably. However, the UPW wants to file lawsuits to protect their interests instead of being part of the solution.
Aaron Stene
Some Hawaiians disagree with protesters
Leningrad Elarionoff in West Hawaii Today’s Aug. 26 edition writes a perfectly telling and truthful account pertaining to the Mauna Kea disruption, perpetuated by those “not in my backyard” types, who are followers whose beliefs should be questioned.
There are so many of us who are Americans of Hawaiian ancestry who disagree with those who pretend to be Hawaiian for the sake of saying they are Hawaiian but have no allegiance to their other blood quantum such as being also of Filipino, Chinese or Portuguese/Hawaiian, etc., extraction.
Fact is, you are either an American or you are not. If you are not, then give up what America has given you and move on while bearing in mind that Hawaii was one of the most feudalistic countries on planet Earth during its reign. One was either one of the chosen elites/elitist (alii, kahuna (priest) or hoolanilani (high chief) or you were serfs, more simply put, slaves to the aristocracy.
Hugo von Platen Luder