A yellow butterfly fish swims May 2 along the coral in Honaunau Bay. Barry Fackler/Community Contributor ADVERTISING A yellow butterfly fish swims May 2 along the coral in Honaunau Bay. Barry Fackler/Community Contributor The Hawaiian Dascyllus, also known as a
A yellow butterfly fish swims May 2 along the coral in Honaunau Bay. Barry Fackler/Community Contributor
The Hawaiian Dascyllus, also known as a Domino Damsel, is a sub-adult and stays close to coral heads for protection until grown. As adults they can be quite formidable lunging and barking at anything approaching them. This was at Honaunau Bay.Bo Pardau
An omilu, or blue trevally swims along the Kona Coast. John Andersen/Community Contributor
The akule, or bigeye scad, form a tight ball in Kailua Bay. Bo Pardau/Community Contributor