TMT would expand our explorations
TMT would expand our explorations
God, or some other higher power, gave humankind the gift to explore since the very beginning. For example, people from the Marquesas left the confines of their shores and explored the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. They settled in many Pacific islands including our beautiful paradise, the Hawaiian Islands.
God, or some other higher power, wants humankind to continue exploring. If He didn’t, He would not have given us brilliant thinkers the like of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. The scientific laws and theories of Newton and Einstein enabled us to expand our knowledge of classical and nuclear physics, which enabled us to send people to the moon. The planet Mars is now in the eyesight for manned missions and explorations in the not too distant future.
God, or some other higher power, created Mauna Kea for a reason. That is to use it as a platform for exploring the outer reaches of our universe and beyond. I think that the TMT will provide us that capability.
To stick with the shallow reasoning that Mauna Kea is a sacred ground and should not be further disturbed seems contrary to the will of God or some other higher power. People should open up their minds and look at the big picture (no pun intended). We all should welcome the TMT with open arms instead of protesting it. I’m sure God, or some other higher power, will bless us more for it and future generations may benefit from it in ways that we could not possibly imagine.
Nestorio Domingo