Mayor should make a choice
Mayor should make a choice
An open letter to Billy Kenoi:
By now, I am certain that you realize your political career has virtually ended. Accordingly, there are a number of options available to you. Here are three:
Firstly, you can do nothing and continue to be a punching bag for the hundreds of people out there who would enjoy the opportunity to mount a never-ending series of attacks on you.
Secondly, you could announce that you will be retiring from politics at the end of your term. Unfortunately, that would produce the same results as in the first scenario.
Thirdly, you can remind the folks of Hawaii Island of all of the many good things you have accomplished and announce your retirement forthwith. That scenario would make the most sense from your personal position. It would be self-destructive for you to remain in office and subject yourself and your family to further humiliation. Also, you would subject yourself to a good number for folks who, for one reason or another, feel that they have been wronged by you and start to talk. That, in turn, would embolden others to do the same in what might be called “the Bill Cosby effect.” And then there’s what might be revealed by investigations conducted by the Attorney General and the ethics committees.
If you elect to stay, you would have virtually no opportunity to serve the county in any meaningful way, because you would be instead focused on defending yourself from a barrage of folks crying for impeachment.
At this point, the best thing for you is to make a realistic assessment of the whole situation and act accordingly. I hope you make a good choice.
Ray Chaikin