Waimea, Echo City roller derby on tap ADVERTISING Waimea, Echo City roller derby on tap Saturday: The Waimea Wranglers Rough Rollers will end their season against the Echo City Knockouts in the “Derby of the Dead” at Honokaa Complex Gym.
Waimea, Echo City roller derby on tap
Saturday: The Waimea Wranglers Rough Rollers will end their season against the Echo City Knockouts in the “Derby of the Dead” at Honokaa Complex Gym.
Admission is free. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the game starts at 6. Food and refreshment will be available for purchase.
The bout, in honor of the Mexican “Day of the Dead” holiday, will include a halftime performance by the children of Sasha Knowles Dance.
For more information, visit waimeawranglers.com or the team’s Facebook page.
Nov. 15: Kona-based Echo City will participate in the “Battle of the Islands” in Hilo.
The state tournament, which includes teams from Kauai and Maui, starts at 9 a.m. in Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium.
For more information, visit echocityknockouts.com or the team’s Facebook page.
On the ‘Emily T Gail Show’
Guests: Bette Green and Derry Morris, volunteers with Friends of Library-Waikoloa Region, talk about their 5K Walk/Run for Literacy on Nov. 8 at Waikoloa School in Waikoloa Village. They share some stories about the Waikoloa Village Bookmobile and the community effort for a bricks and mortar library.
J.R. De Groote, West Hawaii Today Sports Reporter, shares stories about covering IRONMAN. J.R. also looks back at learning to play in-line hockey at Old Kona Airport Park as a keiki. He now plays with a semipro team.
Updates: Asia Pacific Junior Cup at Waikoloa Kings’ Course on Nov. 9-11. Funds raised go to Hawaii State Junior Golf Association and Waikoloa Foundation. Spectators are welcome.
Bike Works Beach & Sports’ free short sprint distance training triathlon with Winona Chin on Nov. 23. Registration is at 7 a.m. at Anaehoomalu Bay, and the swim starts at 8. There will be a potluck barbecue after the event.
Note: Gail shows are available at espnhawaii.com, under the “lineup” tab, or on iTunes as a free podcast. For more information, contact Gail at 896-6780 or emilytgail@gmail.com.
Kona Sailing Club holds last fall race
The Kona Sailing Club will have its last race of the 2014 Fall Series on Sunday.
Nonmembers are invited to join the race or spectator fleet. The entry fee per boat is $15 for members and $20 for nonmembers.
Sailors meet at 9:30 a.m. at KSC at Honokohau Harbor. Racing starts at noon off the Kaloko ponds. A potluck follows in the late afternoon.
For more information, call Daniel Starsong at 883-9230 or visit konasailingclub.org
Waimea offers bubble ball soccer
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with Waimea Athletics, is holding second-quarter bubble ball soccer league registration for ages 15-18 and adults.
League play begins Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at Waimea Park.
Register at waimeaathletics.org, call 887-3014 or email parksandrecwaimea@gmail.com.
Parks and Rec offers referee clinic
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation will conduct a basketball referee clinic from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
The classes will focus on basic referee techniques.
For more information, call Diego Padillo or Wesley Sermons at 327-3553.
BIRC offers training program
Big Island Running Company is offering a free Couch to 5K Training Program at the Alii Drive store.
The nine-week program, for beginning and recreational runners, starts off with alternating intervals of running and walking and progresses to merely running. The program will finish when members complete the Jingle Bell Beach Run on Dec. 21 at Coconut Grove Marketplace.
Throughout the program, there will be discussions on proper gear, common injuries and exercises.
For more information, contact Melissa at melissa@bigislandrunningcompany.com or 327-9333.
Hawaii Cycling Club’s year-end events
Saturday: Alii Bypass Training Time Trial in Kailua-Kona. The course is 2.9 miles up Alii Drive from “The Pit” south on the Mamalahoa bypass — short but steep. Registration is at The Pit.
Dec. 6: Teams for the Holidays Training Time Trial, on Saddle Road, 40K. The race starts at the 34.5 mile marker, goes south, makes a U-turn at the 22 mile maker and returns to the 34.5 marker. Registration is at Mauna Kea State Park. Members of other bicycle and triathlon clubs, bicycle store teams and training partners are encouraged to participate.
Notes: Events start at 8 a.m. with registration from 7-7:45 a.m. Nonmembers and athletes of all abilities and ages are welcome. HCC membership is free. For more information, visit hawaiicyclingclub.com.
Paddle race during Thanksgiving holiday
The Beanie Heen Thanksgiving paddle race will be held Nov. 29 from Anaehoomalu Bay to Kawaihae Surf Park.
Relays are welcome, with the exchange at Puako, for the race of about 12 miles. There will be SUP, OC-1, OC-2 and relay divisions.
There will be a postrace party with awards and raffle.
For more information contact Ed Doherty at eddoherty1@yahoo.com or Mike Akau at 938-4077. To sign up, visit hipa.squarespace.com.
Konawaena discount cards on sale
Wildcat discount cards are on sale for 2014-15.
Cards cost $10 and include discounts for area vendors and merchants. They are available for purchase from members of the fall sports teams or at the school athletic office.
Proceeds benefit the athletic teams.
Kamehameha seeks coaches
Kamehameha-Hawaii is accepting applications for girls assistant basketball coach, girls junior varsity basketball coach, girls junior varsity assistant basketball coach, girls middle school basketball coach, girls middle school assistant basketball coach, boys swimming coach and boys judo coach.
Interested applicants must apply online at ksbe.edu/careers.
Parker’s Heneghan Run to be colorful
Parker School will host its 15th annual George Heneghan Fun Run on Sunday.
This year the event is called the Color Stampede. Participants will be splashed with colored powder throughout the race. The event consists of a 5K Fun Run and a 1K Keiki Run.
The Keiki Run starts at 7:30, and the Fun Run at 8. Child care will be provided for children of 5K participants.
The entry fee is $25 for adults and $20 for ages 11 and younger. All proceeds benefit the school’s athletics program. Registration includes refreshments.
For registration forms, visit parkerschoolhawaii.org, email nvedelli@parkerschoolhawaii.org or call 885-7933, ext. 7106.
Kapiolani Road, Spencer Road and Hokuula Road will be closed.
Parker hosts golf benefit
Parker School will hold its 12th annual Fairways & Friends Golf Tournament at Hualalai Resort on Nov. 8.
Proceeds go directly to the school’s financial aid.
Check-in for golf begins at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.
In addition to golf, Hualalai Spa treatments will be offered that day. The services will be available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from the services will go toward the school’s financial aid.
After the tournament, there will be an awards reception with pupu, cocktails and prizes.
The golf fee is $250 and includes the cost of the reception. For nongolfers, the reception fee is $50.
Registration forms can be downloaded at parkerschoolhawaii.org. Reservations can be made by emailing advancement@parkerschoolhawaii.org or calling 885-8709.
Spa reservations can be made directly through the Hualalai Spa at 325-8000; mention Parker School.
Library benefit walk/run in Waikoloa
The Friends of the Library-Waikoloa Region will hold its fifth annual 5K Walk/Run for Literacy on Nov. 8.
The event starts and finishes near the playground of the Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School complex.
Entry fee, which includes a T-shirt, is $20 for adults, $10 for 13 and younger; keiki in strollers are free. Registration begins at 7 a.m.; start time is 7:30.
For more information, visit flwr-runforliteracy.com, or contact Bette Green at 883-0764 or bettejgreen@yahoo.com.
Karate tournament comes to Kona
The Kona branch of the International Karate League will host its 10th annual IKL Karate Championship from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
IKL branches from the Big Island, Oahu and California will attend. Other karate schools throughout Hawaii Island are invited.
The tournament will feature competition in kata (forms), kumite (sparring) and kobudo (weaponry).
The tournament is open to the public, with free admission.
For more information, call Julian Shiroma at 328-9458, 938-2414 or visit ikl.org.
Junior golf tourney at Waikoloa resort
Amateur golfers are invited to play with top world junior golfers Nov. 8, during the Asia Pacific Junior Cup golf tournament at Waikoloa Beach Resort.
The $100 entry fee — $50 is tax deductible — includes golf, the APJC awards ceremony and luncheon. Entries must be received by Nov. 1. To sign up, call the Hawaii State Junior Golf Association at 532-0559.
The Ryder Cup-style APJC tournament, Nov. 9-11, features the top 16 junior golfers from Hawaii/USA competing against a squad from Japan.
For more information about the APJC, contact tournament director Karen Murray Boston at 480-495-5593.
Makalei to hold invitational
Makalei Golf Club will hold its third annual Makalei Invitational on Nov. 8.
A 10% discount for early entry ends Sunday. All entries must be postmarked by Nov. 1.
For more information, call 325-6625 or email info@makalei.com.
Mauna Kea presents charity golf tourney
Mauna Kea Resort is holding the inaugural Big Island Bites Golf Tournament on Nov. 8.
The four-person scramble shotgun start is at noon. Food and specialty drinks courtesy of various restaurants are available on the course. There will be a dinner and awards ceremony at 6 p.m.
The cost of $300 per golfer, plus tax, includes green fees, dinner and prizes. Admission to the reception for guests of golfers is $75 plus tax.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the American Culinary Federation Kona Kohala Chefs Association’s campaign to help equip the kitchens at West Hawaii Community College at Palamanui.
For more information, call 882-5406 or email Wallene Blizzard of Mauna Kea Resort at wblizzard@maunakearesort.net.
Konawaena hosts golf benefit
Konawaena is holding its inaugural Wildcat Golf Challenge on Nov. 17 at Hokulia.
The $250 fee per golfer includes cart, continental breakfast and lunch.
Registration begins at 8 a.m., with shotgun start at 10. The format is two best balls of four.
Proceeds support the school’s athletic programs.
Space is limited. To sign up, contact Athletic Director Bill Trumbo at 323-4500 or any of the team coaches.
Horseshoe club offers free play
The Kona Horseshoe Pitcher’s Club offers free, informal play from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays. Pitchers of all skill levels are welcome.
For more information call Reggie at 756-8085 or Al at 322-7085.
Weekly golf tournament results
Big Island Country Club
1. Al Akana, Al Droscoski, Tom Johnson, Swend Willadsen (-13); 2. Ed Staniec, Marv Hasting, Denny and Jeanene Dickenson (-12)
Blind draw: Barb Poston
Low net: Al Akana (64)
Closest to the hole: Rick Dvorak (5, 17), Shirley Akana (8, 13)
Format: Four-person teams; two low nets on all holes except Nos. 3, 8, 12, 15
Keauhou Kona Men’s Golf Club
Saturday at Mauna Kea
A flight, low net: 1. Dave Bacigalupi (74); 2. Pete Callahan (75)
Closest to the hole: Pete Callahan (3), Harry Avila (11), Dave Bacigalupi (15)
M&M Golf Club
Oct. 21 at Makalei GC
A flight: 1. Janis Walker (36); 2. Sandy Webb (38); 3. Pualani Willing (39)
B flight: 1. Kasie Wessels (40); 2. Shoko Ioh (40.5); 3. Mitzi Oshima (42.5)
Low putts: Mary Desisto (32)
Format: Ones less half-handicap
Friday at Big Island CC
A flight: 1. Ailota Nesheim (34.5); 2. Karrin Hawkins (37); 3. Janis Walker (37.5)
B flight: 1. Gayle Scoggin (32); 2. Kasie Wessels (35.5); 3. Judy Pettersen (40.5)
Low putts: Kasie Wessels (31)
Chip-in: Janis Walker (17)
Format: Better nine less half-handicap
Makalei Kolepa Hui
(Tie) Kiaha/Scarher, Reifsnider/Watanabe, Higgins/Stockley, Honda/Alton
Closest to the hole: Stan Dodd (2), Ken Alton (5), Steve Schmelz (12), Larry Reifsnider (15)
Format: 2 best ball of foursome
Na Wahine O Waikoloa
1. Trish Kimball (37); 2. Sally Evans (40); 3. Mary Desisto (40.5); 4. Margaret Tigue, Yuriko Daniel (42.5)
Chip-in: Trish Kimball (1)
Closest to the hole: Judy Wooley (3, 6, 12); Trish Kimball (16)
Format: Odd holes with half-handicap