Keiki Triathlon registration extended ADVERTISING Keiki Triathlon registration extended Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation and the Hawaii Isle Police Activities League will hold the third annual Keiki Triathlon as part of the Mayor’s Health Fest 2014 on Saturday,
Keiki Triathlon registration extended
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation and the Hawaii Isle Police Activities League will hold the third annual Keiki Triathlon as part of the Mayor’s Health Fest 2014 on Saturday, at Old Kona Airport Park.
Children ages 7-14 will participate in a miniature version of the Ironman World Championship: 100-yard swim, 3.4-mile bicycle race and 1-mile run. The 7- and 8-year-olds will race half those distances.
The entrance fee is $5 per child.
Enrollment is limited to the first 30 children who sign up in each of the four age-group divisions or a maximum 120 racers. As long as there are open spots, registration forms will be accepted up until 7:30 a.m. on race day.
Forms are available at county swimming pools, gymnasiums and other staffed recreational sites, or can be downloaded at
Send completed forms to the Recreation Office at Aunty Sally Kaleohano’s Luau Hale, 799 Piilani St., Hilo, HI 96720.
All participants must supply their own bicycle, helmet, swim goggles and other equipment. The course will use surrounding public roads, which will be closed during the triathlon.
BIIF basketball officiating meeting
Any person interested in officiating during the 2014-15 Big Island Interscholastic Federation basketball season should attend a meeting at 4 p.m. Sunday at Paauilo Gym.
On the agenda are floor work and information on the Hawaii Island Sports Officials Association independent contract. This year’s fee is $25, payable only by check.
For more information, contact Linda at 937-5261 or, or Mason at 333-9784.
Hawaii Cycling Club’s year-end events
Oct. 25: Puainako Hill Climb Training Time Trial in Hilo. The course is 4.6 miles with average grades of 4.5 percent with steeper sections in excess of 18 percent. Resgistration is at the corner of Puainako Street and Komohana Avenue.
Nov. 1: Alii Bypass Training Time Trial in Kailua-Kona. The course is 2.9 miles up Alii Drive from “The Pit” south on the Alii Bypass Road — short but steep. Registration is at “The Pit.”
Dec. 13: Teams for the Holidays Training Time Trial, location and distance to be determined. HCC encourages members of other bicycle and triathlon clubs, bicycle store teams and training partners to participate.
Notes: All events are on Saturdays, starting at 8 a.m. with registration from 7–7:45 a.m.
Nonmembers and athletes of all abilities and ages are urged to participate. HCC membership is free. After the time trial, refreshments and swag will be available at the Talk Story Station.
For more information, visit
Konawaena discount cards on sale
Wildcat discount cards are on sale for 2014-15.
Cards cost $10 and include discounts for area vendors and merchants. They are available for purchase from members of the fall sports teams or at the school athletic office.
Proceeds benefit the athletic teams.
Kamehameha seeks coaches
Kamehameha-Hawaii is accepting applications for the following positions:
- Girls assistant basketball coach (Requisition No. 014823)
- Girls junior varsity basketball coach (014824)
- Girls junior varsity assistant basketball coach (014825)
- Girls middle school basketball coach (014828)
- Girls middle school assistant basketball coach (014829)
- Boys swimming coach (014827)
Interested applicants must apply online at and search for the requisition number.
Parker’s Heneghan Run to be colorful
Parker School will host its 15th annual George Heneghan Fun Run on Nov. 2.
This year the event is called the Color Stampede, in which participants are splashed with colored powder throughout the race. The event is open to the public and consists of a 5K Fun Run and a 1K Keiki Run.
The entry fee is $25 for adults and $20 for ages 11 and younger. Medals will be awarded to first overall male and female finishers in the 5K and 1K, and first finishers in each age category. All proceeds benefit the school’s athletics program.
Registration begins at 6:45 a.m. on race day. The Keiki Run starts at 7:30, and the Fun Run at 8. Registration includes a T-shirt and refreshments.
T-shirts aren’t guaranteed with registration forms received after Oct. 24. Registrations will not be accepted on race day. Child care will be provided for children of 5K participants.
For registration forms, visit, email or call 885-7933, ext. 7106.
Parker hosts golf benefit
Parker School will hold its 12th annual Fairways & Friends Golf Tournament at Hualalai Resort on Nov. 8.
Proceeds go directly to the school’s financial aid.
Check-in for golf begins at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.
This year, in addition to golf, Hualalai Spa treatments will be offered that day. The services will be available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from the services will go toward the school’s financial aid.
After the tournament, there will be an awards reception with pupu, cocktails and prizes.
The golf fee is $250 and includes the cost of the reception. For nongolfers, the reception fee is $50.
Registration forms can be downloaded at Reservations can be made by emailing or calling 885-8709.
Spa reservations can be made directly through the Hualalai Spa at 325-8000; mention Parker School.
Library benefit walk/run in Waikoloa
The Friends of the Library-Waikoloa Region will hold its fifth annual 5K Walk/Run for Literacy on Nov. 8.
The event starts and finishes near the playground of the Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School complex.
Entry fee, which includes a T-shirt, is $20 for adults, $10 for 13 and younger; keiki in strollers are free. Registration begins at 7 a.m.; start time is 7:30.
For more information, visit, or contact Bette Green at 883-0764 or
Karate tournament comes to Kona
The Kona branch of the International Karate League will host its 10th annual IKL Karate Championship from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
IKL branches from the Big Island, Oahu and California will attend. Other karate schools throughout Hawaii Island are invited.
The founder and chief instructor of the IKL, Walter K. Nishioka of Manoa Valley, Oahu, will preside. The tournament will feature competition in kata (forms), kumite (sparring) and kobudo (weaponry).
The tournament is open to the public, with free admission.
For more information, call Julian Shiroma at 328-9458, 938-2414 or visit
Junior golf tourney coming to Waikoloa resort
Amateur golfers are invited to play with top world junior golfers Nov. 8, during the Asia Pacific Junior Cup golf tournament at Waikoloa Beach Resort.
The $100 entry fee — $50 is tax deductible — includes golf, the APJC awards ceremony and luncheon. Entries must be received by Nov. 1. To sign up, call the Hawaii State Junior Golf Association at 532-0559.
The Ryder Cup-style APJC tournament, Nov. 9-11, features the top 16 junior golfers from Hawaii/USA competing against a squad from Japan.
For more information about the APJC, contact tournament director Karen Murray Boston at 480-495-5593.
Makalei to hold invitational
Makalei Golf Club will hold its third annual Makalei Invitational on Nov. 8.
Register by Oct. 15 to receive a 10 percent discount. All entries must be postmarked by Nov. 1.
For more information, call 325-6625 or email
Parks and Rec offers age-group hoops
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation will hold a basketball league for ages 9-14.
League play is scheduled Nov. 17 to Dec. 11. Games start at 5 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
Registration forms are available at the gym office 12:30-2:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
Volunteer coaches and officials are wanted.
For more information, call Diego Padillo or Wesley Sermons at 327-3553.
Parks and Rec offers youth volleyball clinic
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation will conduct volleyball clinics for ages 9-14.
The program runs Nov. 18 to Dec. 16 at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
Registration ends Oct. 24. Forms are available at the gym office 12:30-2:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
Volunteer coaches and officials are wanted.
For more information, call Diego Padillo or Wesley Sermons at 327-3553.
Parks and Rec offers referee clinic
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation will conduct a basketball referee clinic from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 14, 21 and 28 at Kekuaokalani Gymnasium.
The classes will focus on basic referee techniques.
For more information, call Diego Padillo or Wesley Sermons at 327-3553.
Konawaena hosts golf benefit
Konawaena is holding its inaugural Wildcat Golf Challenge on Nov. 17 at Hokulia.
The $250 fee per golfer includes cart, continental breakfast and lunch.
Registration begins at 8 a.m., with shotgun start at 10. The format is two best balls of four.
Proceeds support the school’s athletic programs.
Space is limited. To sign up, contact Athletic Director Bill Trumbo at 323-4500 or any of the team coaches.
Veterans Day baseball tourney
The Andrews Pony Braves and Indians are looking for teams for their Veterans Day Baseball Tournament scheduled Nov. 7-11.
The tournament — open to teams in the Pinto, Mustang and Bronco divisions — will be held at the Walter Victor Baseball Complex, Wong Stadium, Andrews Gym and Carvalho Park.
There will be a maximum of eight teams per division.
For more information, contact Bully Ahuna at 854-6671 or
Bowling teams wanted
Individuals and teams are wanted for the winter bowling season at KBXtreme in Kailua-Kona.
There are three nights of league play: Mondays, mixed; Wednesdays, mixed; Thursdays, women; Fridays, mixed. Play starts at 6 p.m.
The deadline to form teams is Wednesday.
For more information, call Millie McClean at 329-4213, or leave name and phone number at the KBXtreme front desk.
Volunteers needed for Puuwaawaa run
Volunteers are needed for the Run for the Dry Forest on Oct. 25.
Volunteers will work from 6 a.m. to noon. Two types of positions are available: Course marshals will direct runners and first aid station workers will hand out food and drink to runners.
Volunteers will receive T-shirts. The number of volunteer spots is limited. For more information, email Elliott Parsons at
The races are 10K, 5K run/walk and keiki run. Fees are $30 for ages 15 and older, $15 for 14 and younger, and include T-shirts and refreshments. Fees go toward the conservation and restoration of dry forests at Puuwaawaa.
To register, visit
WSHLL baseball prepares for seasons
West Side Hawaii Little League is preparing for winter league and the 2015 baseball season.
Volunteer coaches, umpires and scorekeepers are sought; new members from Kona or Waikoloa may register.
For more information, contact WSHLL president Karl Gacayan at 960-0626 or
Waimea offers volleyball league
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with Waimea Athletics, offers an age-group volleyball league from Oct. 14 to Nov. 19, Tuesdays and Thursdays in October; Mondays and Wednesdays in November. The games start at 4:30 p.m. at various gyms.
Fees are $10 payable to Waimea Athletics. Volunteer coaches are needed.
For more information, contact Melissa at 887-3014 or
Waimea offers Biddy Basketball
Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with Waimea Athletics, is holding a Biddy Basketball league through Oct. 22. Games are played at various gyms, starting at 4:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays.
Fees are $10, payable to Waimea Athletics.
For more information, email
Nobu Yamauchi winter league
The Nobu Yamauchi U-18 girls RBI softball and 13-18 boys baseball teams are accepting teams or players to participate in their winter league.
The season runs from mid-October to mid-December. Softball games will be played on Sundays; baseball games will be played on weekdays.
For more information, contact Wayne Yamauchi at 895-9696 or
Weekly golf tournament results
Big Island Country Club
All Droscoski, Ray Poston, Ron Ahlers, blind draw (-18)
Blind draw: Tom Johnson
Low net: Grant Wilson (68)
Closest to the hole: Ron Ahlers (5, 13); Barb Millslagle (8); Tomoko Matsumoto (17)
Format: Four-person teams; two low nets; on holes No. 4, 8, 16, all four net scores counted
Al and Shirley Akana, Swend Willadsen, Frosty Johnson (-33); 2. Denny and Jeanene Dickenson, Ron Ahlers, Reed Bender (-22)
Low net: Al Akana (60)
Closest to the hole: Ron Ahlers (8); Swend Willadsen (13); Shirley Akana (17)
Format: Four-person teams; two low nets; on holes No. 2, 7, 13, all four net scores counted
M&M Golf Club
Oct. 7 at Makalei Golf Club
Flight A: 1. Janis Walker (31); 2. Joy Sokabe (33); 3. Mary Desisto (33.5)
Flight B: 1. Judy Pettersen (28.5); 2. Linda Takai (29.5); 3. Shoko Ioh (30.5)
Chip-ins: Shoko Ioh, Janis Walker (9); Butchie Hayward (11)
Low putts: Judy Pettersen (30)
Format: Criss-cross, less half-handicap
Friday at Big Island CC
1. Janis Walker (56); 2. Judy Pettersen (54); 3. Kasie Wessels (50); 4. Butchie Hayward (39)
Low putts: Butchie Hayward (34)
Format: “Quota” point system for net scores for each hole
Na Wahine O Waikoloa
Flight A
Low gross: 1. Yuriko Daniels (101); 2. Kasie Wessels (109)
Low net: 1. Margaret Tigue (79); 2. Trish Kimball, Carole Abacar (81)
Flight B
Low gross: 1. Mary Vandam (120); 2. Monda Peck (84)
Low net: 1. Sandy Price (128); 2. Nan Powell (92)
Low putts: Jan Loskutoff, Carole Abacar, Nan Powell (35)
Chip-in: Kasie Wessels (13)
Closest to the hole: Margaret Tigue (3); Yuriko Daniel (6); Mona Peck (12); Margaret Tigue (16)