Dog owners must control their dogs
Dog owners must control their dogs
We appreciate Mr. Leningrad Elarionoff’s article about dog owners use of this wonderful park and we also appreciate his and the many others, who volunteer working at the park and trail.
We agree with everything Mr. Elarionoff is saying about the dog owners’ responsibility to pick up after their dogs. My husband and I frequently enjoy walking in the park and we have experienced and observed another side to people walking their dogs. Let me add that we are “dog people” ourselves and have had German shepherds most of our lives and we love seeing happy dogs walking in the park.
Our concern is owners who clearly do not have control of their dogs. It has happened on more than one occasion that potentially dangerous dogs have shown aggression when passing us on the trail and we are talking about big, strong dogs, who can be a potential danger if the owner cannot control them. We know that when a dog senses that a person is scared it often triggers an action from the dog that can be dangerous. So, please dog owners: If you are not confident you can control your dogs do not bring them to the park. Participate in an obedience class and make sure you are in control.
Let us all work together so we can continue enjoying this beautiful park.
Mike and Britt Normann
Election couldn’t come at worse time
Dear Puna — Hey! Didja like your tropical storm? Complete with that uncontrolled release from Puna Geothermal Venture? Gee whiz, maybe we shoulda shut PGV down before the storm. And maybe we shoulda dealt with those albizia trees before. Bummer that they fell on the roads so people near PGV couldn’t evacuate! And golly, are trees still blocking people from getting to grocery stores and jobs?
But hey, cheer up! We’re thinking hard, here in our unscathed, air-conditioned offices. And we realize that everything is all better already! So you don’t need three weeks to vote, like we said before. Instead, we’ll just hold a mini-election on Friday! So stop worrying about no water, no fresh food, no power, damaged homes, and jobs you can’t get to. Trying to get to the polls will take your mind off all that! And everyone will hear about the election, even with no cell service, radio, TV, Internet, or newspaper. We’ll send up smoke signals!
Yessiree, we learned a lot from that botched election a couple years back. We know how to run an election so nobody can question the outcome!
With sincerest aloha—The Powers That Be
Cory (Martha) Harden
Politicians must remember who voted them into office
We hope the politicians who are elected on the Big Island realize that the common islander voted them into office. There are a lot more poor and working class residents here than wealthy. Too many times the politicians are elected by the common islanders and then, once in office, work for the wealthy and big business interests. Let this stop.
We need to keep the following thought in mind, especially the elected people who supposedly represent us.
“Let us listen to the voice of the shining sea;
let the great spirit of aloha guide us on our life’s journey;
for without the wisdom of aloha;
we live in confusion and foolishness;
knowing not right from wrong.
let peace and goodness reign.”
Joe Gaynor