TMT will be boon for our island
TMT will be boon for our island
We have a great opportunity to celebrate the investment of a strong economic, cultural and scientific business into our community. The new Thirty Meter Telescope will also bring with it the desired quality of being a clean industry.
Opponents say there will be no local jobs. That may be true for the initial specialized construction crew. However, this investment will be like a pebble dropped into a still pond. The ripple effect from the influx of TMT’s monies and its people is where our town and county will benefit. The TMT employees will need housing. They will need basic support services such as food, car repair, restaurants, medical and dental services, entertainment.They will bring their children and will contribute to the growth and ongoing improvements of our schools. A million dollars a year can help us build schools, bike trails, parks, waste stations and other quality of life things for our community. They will serve on our many active community boards and sports and theater groups. Best of all, they will provide a viable future industry for our youth so that they do not have to leave the island to find work.
We are very fortunate that they chose our island and I thank them.
Joyce O’Connor
Sale decision ‘absolutely ludicrous’
It’s absolutely ludicrous to sell Hualalai Academy to Kamehameha Schools. Why, if Kamehameha Schools will not accept people of non-Hawaiian heritage, while Makua Lani Christian Academy will accept children of any heritage, color and faith, could the decision be justifiable?
Is Makua Lani Christian-based? Of course. Does it force it on a child? No, it doesn’t. Why, is it so damning to offer to a child the morals which made our country so strong and blessed? Our country certainly could use them.
Please, reconsider the sale, or at least grandfather the children and their siblings in.
What is the rationale behind the decision of the sale? It’s a private school. People who have a Christian belief have a decision on where to attend, if it’s not a school which discriminates. Kamehameha Schools is not one of the options offered to them. So, why deny those non-Hawaiians the right to a quality education, apart from the public school system?
I grew up in Hawaii. I’ve lived here about 53 of my 67 years. But I guess I’m a “haole.” I am relatively fluent in the Hawaiian language, as well. I’m also a Native American, so I understand the frustration.
Roy Crytser