The list recognizes the biggest fish caught on rod and reel (except opakapaka and onaga, for which we’ll accept hand line catches) in West Hawaii waters for 2014 in each of 22 categories. They are listed by species, weight, angler, skipper, boat and date.
The list is updated every Sunday throughout the year (copyright 2013 by Jim Rizzuto). If we have overlooked you, give us a call (885-4208) or send an email (
Blue marlin: 752, Sean Jensen, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky. Jan. 18
Black marlin: 161, Scott Wnuck, Capt. Guy Terwilliger, High Flier. Jan. 10
Ahi: 190.5, Scott Scolvira, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika. Jan. 4
Bigeye tuna: 108, Matthew Bolton, Kehele. Jan 16.
Striped marlin: 100, Dave Whitehead, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions, Feb. 8
Spearfish: 45.5, Glenn Trusty, Capt. Guy Terwilliger, High Flier. Jan 13
Sailfish: 105.5, Peter Blake, TLC 2. Jan. 25
Mahimahi: 47, Doug Olson, Capt. Bomboy Llanes, Lana Kila. Jan. 26
Ono: 52.5, Justin Lee, Asa Suguitan, In Deep. Jan. 14
Kaku (barracuda): 21, Sarah Murphy, Lena Kai, Feb. 6
Kahala (amberjack): vacant
Ulua (giant trevally): 100.5, Mitchell Izuno, Shoreline. Jan. 19
Omilu (bluefin trevally): 12, Glen Nakata, Shoreline, Feb. 8
Otaru (skipjack tuna): 20, Pono Thronas, Bill Jardine, Kakalina, Jan. 1
Broadbill swordfish: vacant
Ahipalaha (albacore): vacant
Kawakawa: 21, Mark Andrews, Donna Mae. Jan 10
Kamanu (rainbow runner): 16, Shawn Zenor, kayak. Jan. 9
Opakapaka (pink snapper): vacant
Onaga (ulaula koaie): vacant
Uku (gray snapper): vacant
Oio (bonefish): vacant
Catch information courtesy of Shawna Haynes of the charter desk at Kona Marina (329-5735).
If you catch a fish on rod and reel in West Hawaii waters bigger than one on the list, take it to the fuel dock to be weighed and recorded.
If you weighed it somewhere else, call me at 885-4208 and leave a message. A complete list of June billfish catches will be in the August issue of Hawaii Fishing News.
None this week
Feb. 3: Striped marlin (75) Carol Williams, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
Feb. 3: Striped marlin (30) Jim Williams, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
Feb. 4: Striped marlin (30) Jeff Kurt, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Feb. 4: Spearfish (35) Michael Kennedy, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II
Feb. 5: Striped marlin (30) Ed Gill Sr., Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Feb. 5: Striped marlin (75) Unknown, Capt. Jeff Metzler, Anxious
Feb. 5: Striped marlin (80) Justin Rask, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
Feb. 5: Spearfish (35) Justin Rask, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
Feb. 5: Blue marlin (100) Curtis Fenrich, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
Feb. 6: Striped marlin (3 pcs @ 30#) Cole Hook/Grant Steine, Capt. Mcgrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Feb. 6: Spearfish (50) Nate Heachy, Capt. Brian Schumaker, Anxious
Feb. 6: Spearfish (35) Unknown, Capt. Rob McGuckin, Integrity
Feb. 6: Striped marlin (40/40) John Friedman, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
Feb. 6: Striped marlin (30) Martin Anderson, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
Feb. 7: Blue marlin (100) Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
Feb. 7: Blue marlin (60) Caleb Arcenaux, Capt. James Dean, Blue Hawaii
Feb. 8: Striped marlin (25) Unknown, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
Feb. 8: Blue marlin (135) Jack Pastener, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
Feb. 8: Spearfish (30) Brett Tessier, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
Feb. 8: Striped marlin (30/35/40/60) Brett Tessier, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
Notable catches
Feb. 4: Mahimahi (41) Brinda Stolberg, Capt. Jeff Heintz, Linda Sue III
Feb. 4: Spearfish (30) Bob Thompson, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt
Feb. 4: Striped marlin (40) Seymor Johnson, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
Feb. 5: Sailfish (91.5) Robert Wang-Yuen, Kayak
Feb. 5: Ahi (129.5) Hishi Sakata, Capt. Guy Terwilliger, High Flier
Feb. 5: Ahi (127.5) Ed Gill Sr., Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Feb. 5: Mahimahi (27/28) Marsha Hagan, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Feb. 5: Striped marlin (30/50) Dave Whitehead, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions
Feb. 5: Spearfish (30) Dave Whitehead, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions
Feb. 5: Blue marlin (270) Dave Whitehead, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions
Feb. 6: Barracuda (21) Sarah Murphy, Lena Kai
Feb. 6: Ahi (134) Darwin Ellison, Capt. Russ NItta, Lepika
Feb. 6: Ahi (118/134.5) Lacy McCabe, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
Feb. 6: Striped marlin (52) Karen Lacky, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
Feb. 6: Spearfish (42) John Vander, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
Feb. 7: Ahi (120) Kathy Owens, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt
Feb. 7: Spearfish (35) John Tudor, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
Feb. 7: Spearfish (35) Unknown, Capt. Guy Terwilliger, High Flier
Feb. 8: Omilu (12) Glen Nakata, Shoreline
Feb. 8: Spearfish (40) Rachel Russell, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic II
Feb. 8: Mahimahi (43) Daniel Yamasaki, Capt. Sherwin Yamasaki, Jessica J
Feb. 8: Striped marlin (40) Bob Meadows, Capt. Kent Mongreig, Sea Wife II
Feb. 8: Striped marlin (100) Dave Whitehead, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions
Feb. 8: Spearfish (41) Al Sullivan, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions
Feb. 8: Spearfish (40) Unkown, Capt. Tony Clark, Pamela