Kona Community Hospital is surveying community members on what they would like to see included in a new hospital. Kona Community Hospital is surveying community members on what they would like to see included in a new hospital. ADVERTISING Hospital
Kona Community Hospital is surveying community members on what they would like to see included in a new hospital.
Hospital officials, with consultant Peter Adler, posted an online survey this week on the hospital’s website, kch.hhsc.org. The survey is open to anyone and will remain available through February, hospital spokeswoman Judy Donovan said.
Questions include those seeking basic information — in which island district does the respondent live — to queries about hospital services, and which services are most important to residents now and which services will be needed in the future.
Respondents also can weigh in what matters to them more, the cost of the project, the location, the hospital’s ability to attract high-quality medical staff or the number and quality of procedures.
CEO Jay Kreuzer announced in October the hospital was beginning the process of seeking land and funding for a new hospital in North Kona. The first step, Kreuzer said, was gathering community feedback, through surveys and meetings. Adler has already met with members of West Hawaii’s health care community, Donovan said, and hospital employees were sent last week the online survey that the public can now take.
The hospital will also mail a formal, written survey after Jan. 1, Donovan added.
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