Letters 9-7-2012

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From the right

From the right

A shot to the liberal left

OK, just when I thought I’ve heard it all, Janice Palma-Glennie writes on Sept. 2 her overly dramatic collection of mistruths concerning the GOP. It seems apparent she needs a hearing aid, her eyes checked, and a good dose of common sense knocked into her before spewing such idiotic fantasies about the GOP, its convention, Hurricane Isaac, and, of course, President Bush, because she isn’t listening, isn’t seeing or just doesn’t want to get it.

What mulish thinking this is. And why would this be so? Is it because she’s afraid Mitt Romney might win, or is it just more of the same old liberal bias against Republicans? Perhaps it’s just plain old ignorance from one who steadfastly refuses to see the other side? Whatever it is, she sounds mean and nasty and full of venomous lies about the GOP she sent to West Hawaii Today.

Plama-Glennie dares call me a witch hunter simply because I am a Republican? She doesn’t know me. And according to the last time I checked, this is a free country where I can vote any damn way I please, without being brow-beaten by her.

Oh, well, as a Republican and damn proud of it, we’ve been called far worse, especially under this odious and crooked spend-every-dollar-while-you-can administration. I especially hate being called a racist by Democrats who have absolutely nothing, repeat, nothing left to do but finger-point. I am sick of being told over and over again, that it was Bush, not our precious Kenyan big-spender in the White House, who created the financial mess we are now in. I assume she has a brain. If she does, she should look up, just for the heck of it, what our national debt was when Bush left office and then take a good look at the numbers now. Come on, go ahead, do it and make my day. I am going to rely on her to do the math and I hope that the total amount might interest her, or at the very least, that she might learn something factual.

Cut the deception, Plama-Glennie, and take your liberal, rose-colored glasses off. She knows the kind of glasses I am talking about, doesn’t she? The ones that well her up with tears of joy every time she sees a big new liberal spending plan proposed. We all know Obama snuck that health care bill through in the middle of the night like the thief he is. And as for Charlie Crist, the Republican who voted for it, he’s no idol to me. And as for Todd Akin, the man apologized over and over again. Enough already. Of course he’s an idiot for saying what he did and of course I feel he must leave. But at least I’m able to admit that all Republicans are not saints and I only wish she could do the same about the numerous Democrats, starting with a recent Democratic president, on down who have disgraced themselves and our country big time with a gal named Monica, a Cuban cigar and a very interesting stain on a blue dress. He was even impeached. But members of the liberal left don’t want to remember such little petty nuances, do they? I guess this, too, was all Bush’s fault? Do you not forgive? Have you ever learned how? Or do you only forgive the Democrats?

As for Romney’s tax records, thank you so much for the opportunity to challenge on this. Where are Obama’s records? His records from Harvard, his thesis, his records from Columbia University, and why did he spend a whopping $4 million amazing bucks to keep all of this hidden from us? I don’t know one person as of yet who can even claim they knew him or even saw him in school. How odd? Either he was the biggest bore who ever existed on campus, or he simply wasn’t there. Yes, I guess he really is the invisible president, just like he was in that chair at the GOP convention. I suppose Plama-Glennie is thinking to herself right now, “hmm, the person writing this must be one of those birther trouble makers.” I am not, but I must say, in all honesty, I do wonder where the heck this man’s records are and why he spends so much trying to hide them?

To be honest, Plama-Glennie, I don’t care where the man is from, at this point. He could’ve ridden in on the A train from Pluto for all I care. I just want him the hell out of office and will be glad to buy him a ticket back home to, oh shucks, where could it be, Chicago, Hawaii, Kenya? Why the possibilities with him are endless, aren’t they? And by the way, I guess she missed it, probably on purpose, but Romney did produce two years of tax records, which is the usual amount expected to produce for any nominee. I imagine Obama can’t find his tax records because his chief tax guy, Timothy Geitner, the head of the IRS, never even filed his and I guess Obama felt safe by thinking “if it’s okay for Timmy, it’s okay for me.” What a team.

Finally, she asks, “How does a Republican voter still cling to a wastrel party?” You’ve got to be kidding. The first definition of wastrel is “one who wastes.” The second definition, when I looked it up just now, said in big giant bold letters, “Obama.” And, let’s get clear about “who decided to hold a zillion dollar convention at the height of hurricane season in Florida.” What a stupid question. Unless Plama-Glennie, has a crystal ball, the last time I checked we couldn’t predict the weather and the GOP did cancel it until we got the all-clear. And while on the subject, what will we be seeing next week at the Democratic convention during our still yet hurricane season on the East Coast? More big giant golden Greek columns for the king to pass through (does anyone know the price of gold this week? How can he be such a wasteful wastrel?), to deliver his division and hate toward anyone who dares to disagree with him? Or will he come up with yet another plan on how to spend my hard-earned taxpaying dollars? Or her taxpaying dollars? Boy, Plama-Glennie must be really really rich because she doesn’t seem to care. How nice for her. One thing I do know for sure — and this I can take to the bank — is that Obama will continue to blame poor ol’ President Bush for everything because he, as our leader, can’t go on his record because he simply doesn’t have one. Gee, looks like his record is invisible, too? Has anyone noticed that President Bush has remained out of the picture so the king, wearing his crown, (or is it halo?) could rule the country on his own? I certainly don’t see or hear President Bush putting Obama down? I’d really like to see the king stand up for once, defend this country instead of apologizing for it, take a stand on his new plan (if he even has one, I won’t hold my breath since he hasn’t had one in four years) and shutup about his lies, his finger-pointing, and blaming others, Republicans in particular. Maybe, just maybe for once, he’ll remind himself of his famous line of crap four years ago when he said, “If I can’t turn this country around in four years, then ‘I shouldn’t be here.’”

Oh please, please, Mr. Obama, please tell me once again how much you really meant that. If you could just give me four minutes, I will be more than happy to show you the way to the exit door. After an agonizing four years, I must say you were right about one thing Mr. President. “You really shouldn’t be here.”

Sheila Mason
