Big Fish List Big Fish List ADVERTISING These are the biggest fish caught on rod and reel (except opakapaka and onaga, for which we’ll accept hand line catches) in West Hawaii waters for 2012 in each of 22 categories. They
Big Fish List
These are the biggest fish caught on rod and reel (except opakapaka and onaga, for which we’ll accept hand line catches) in West Hawaii waters for 2012 in each of 22 categories.
They are listed by species, weight, angler, skipper, boat and date. The list is updated every Sunday throughout the year (copyright 2012 by Jim Rizzuto). If we have overlooked you, give us a call (885-4208) or send an email (
Roundup>Blue marlin: 1,040.5, Paul Morris, Capt. Steve Tarbill, Kona Concept. Jan 7.
Roundup>Black marlin: 462.5, Eric Vonderahe, Capt. Butch Chee, Duck Soup. June 25.
Roundup>Ahi: 250, Roy Edwards, Capt. Lael Wilson, Bite Me 5. June 16.
Roundup>Bigeye tuna: 231, Troy Kincaid, Capt. Kenny Llanes, Lehuanani. March 24.
Roundup>Striped marlin: (tie) 95.5, Kohichiro Saegusa, Capt. Steve Tarbill, Kona Concept. Jan. 2, and Jimmy Jewell, Capt. Tim Hicks, Illusions. Feb. 21.
Roundup>Spearfish: 51.5, Gary Sheehan, Hei Mana. March 26 and William Matthews, Capt. Dave Unger, Nasty Habit, April 10.
Roundup>Sailfish: 112, Devin Hallingstad, kayak. March 26.
Roundup>Mahimahi: 56.5, Ronald Taisee, Ehu Kai II, Feb 19.
Roundup>Ono: 78, Shannon Galieto, Braddah Man. March 8.
Roundup>Kaku (barracuda): 31, Matt Solomon, shoreline. Aug 17.
Roundup>Kahala (amberjack): 63, Chris Phillips, Capt. Gregg Kaufmann, Patience Jan. 4.
Roundup>Ulua (giant trevally): 90.5 Dan Manuel, Shoreline. Feb. 27.
Roundup>Omilu (bluefin trevally): 17 Kupaa Elarionoff, Hoku Tea, July 29.
Roundup>Otaru (skipjack tuna): 30, Mike Murphy and Walter Gay, Ikaika Kai, Aug. 9.
Roundup>Broadbill swordfish: 215.5, Lukas Folk, Capt. Mitch Lattof, Salty Dog. May 19.
Roundup>Ahipalaha (albacore): 52, Clay Lawrence, Capt. Dave Crawford, Kona Blue. Aug. 1.
Roundup>Kawakawa: 17.5 Derek Markstein, Capt. Asa Suguitan, In Deep. March 3.
Roundup>Kamanu (rainbow runner): 9.5, Dana Constable, Capt. Bomboy Llanes, Bomboy’s Toy. Jan. 21.
Roundup>Opakapaka (pink snapper): vacant.
Roundup>Onaga (ulaula koaie): 14.5, Mark Andrews, Donna Mae. July 16.
Roundup>Uku (gray snapper): 20, Milton Fukumitsu, Flora III. May 5.
Roundup>Oio (bonefish): 9.4, Brandon Lopes, from shore. Jan. 11.
Catch report
Catch information courtesy of Heather Goto of the charter desk at Kona Marina (329-5735).
If you catch a fish on rod and reel in West Hawaii waters bigger than one on the list, take it to the fuel dock to be weighed and recorded.
If you weighed it somewhere else, call me at 885-4208 and leave a message.
A complete list of August billfish catches will be in the October issue of Hawaii Fishing News.
Beasts of the week
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (501) Oni Kealoha, Kelii Hill, Esea Rider
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (576) Masaharu Matsushita, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky (HIBT)
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (549) John Miles, Hoo Lako
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (584) Viki Smith, Capt. Rob Ellyn, Lightspeed (HIBT)
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (638) Ken Onion, Capt. Jason Holtz, Marlin Magic (HIBT)
Roundup>Aug. 16: Blue marlin (528) Greg Thompson, Capt. Teddy Hoogs, Bwana (HIBT)
Roundup>Aug. 17: Blue marlin (554) Mike Kral, Capt. Loyd Potter, Renegade
Roundup>Aug. 17: Blue marlin (684) Steve Spina, Capt. Kerwin Masunaga, Rod Bender (HIBT)
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (607) Dennis Hilsabeck, Capt. Dave Bensko, High Noon
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (1022.5) Molly Palmer, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious (BIMT)
Tag and release
Roundup> Aug. 12: Blue marlin (150) Richard Gambin, Capt. Dave Crawford, Kona Blue
Roundup>Aug. 12: Striped marlin (80) John Millman, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (200) Misty Eaos, (200) Laine Cantiberos, Capt. Tracy Epstein, Last Chance
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (200) Andy Martin, Capt. Steve Fassbender, Teresa
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (250) John Gowans, Capt. Gene Vanderhoek, Sea Genie II
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (200) Jan Martic, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Roundup>Aug. 12: Blue marlin (200) Derek Rhodehamel, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 12: Spearfish (60) Cindi Day, Capt. Jim Wigzell, Go Get Em
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (650) Andrew Martin, Capt. Chip Fischer, Hanamana
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (150) Jonathon Monroe, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (200) Pat Brian, Capt. Scott Fuller, Raptor
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (175) Carol Herren, Capt. Scott Fuller, Raptor
Roundup>Aug. 14: Silky shark (200) Ean Martin, Capt. Jeff Heintz, Linda Sue III
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (250) Randy Matthews, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 14: Spearfish (35) Mike Sabol, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (300) Randall Ward, spearfish (30), Susan (35) Randall Ward, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic II
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (325) Eric Lange, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (200) Justin Stralla, (400) Danny Stralla, Capt. Gene Vanderhoek, Sea Genie II
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (150) Greg Gilbert, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic II
Roundup>Aug. 15: Spearfish (30) Dennis Jay, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (150) Elyse Sara, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 15: Silky shark (175) Kameron Stewart, Capt. Howard Whitcomb, Reel Class
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (150) Scott Eccarrius, (125) George Eccarrius, Capt. Gene Vanderhoek, Sea Genie II
Roundup>Aug. 15: Blue marlin (200) Pat Brian, Capt. Will Lazenby, Golden Dragon
Roundup>Aug. 16: Blue marlin (375) Dennis Jay, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner
Roundup>Aug. 16: Blue marlin (150) Mike Glimpse, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 16: Blue marlin (225), spearfish (38) George Eccarrius, blue marlin (225) Scott Eccarrius, Capt. Gene Vanderhoek, Sea Genie II
Roundup>Aug. 17: Blue marlin (200 and 225) Jodi Glimpse, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
Roundup>Aug. 17: Blue marlin (175) Bob Kurz, Aukalani
Roundup>Aug. 17: Blue marlin (160) Robina Baynan, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic II
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (170) Jeff Burley, Capt. Chuck Wigzell, Hooked Up
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (225) Steve Spina, Capt. Kerwin Masunaga, Rod Bender
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (190) John Hoffy, (160) Rob Reed, Capt. Rob McGuckin, Integrity
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (175) Jack Sanford, Capt. Jason Holtz, Marlin Magic
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (125) Rob McCarty, Capt. Rob Ellyn, Lightspeed
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (150) Tim McBride, Capt. Randy Llanes, Sundowner
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (250) Dave Wolf, Capt. Dave Crawford, Kona Blue
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (175) Debbie David, Capt. Mark Schubert, Miss Mojo
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (200) Jan Martic, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (150) TJ Sorenson, Capt. Carlton Taniyama, Five Star
Roundup>Aug. 18: Blue marlin (150) Craig Lindner, Capt. Teddy Hoogs, Bwana
Notable catches
Roundup>Aug. 12: Ahi (231.5) Kelii Hill, Esea Rider
Roundup>Aug. 12: Ahi (192) John Ishii, Everett Araki, Hego
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (478) Dan Connor, Capt. Chad Contessa, Bite Me I
Roundup>Aug. 13: Blue marlin (417) Heath Irvine, Capt. Randy Llanes, Sundowner
Roundup>Aug. 14: Blue marlin (369.5) Lynn Moorhouse, Capt. Mark Bartell, Spearfish
Roundup>Aug. 15: Ahi (223) Allan Henriques, Alana
Roundup>Aug. 17: Barracuda (31) Matt Solomon, shoreline
Roundup>Aug. 17: Aku (28) Anton Kral, Capt. Loyd Potter, Renegade
Roundup>Aug. 18: Ono (39) Phil Comer, Capt. Gabe Legay, New Horizon