What have we come to?
This is in response to the letter to the editor from Gerry Kahulamu on Wednesday Aug. 8. It was regarding the witnessing of the man in Walmart abusing his young children.
First of all I applaud this letter writer for reporting this situation to your paper, calling attention to what was observed at Walmart where a person, possibly the father, was physically abusing three young children at the store.
The clerk who was ringing up items refused to call security.
Other witnesses to the event wouldn’t step forward either to stop this person from a physically violent attack on the children, apparently as young as 2 years old.
The letter writer was with a grandchild and most likely was afraid to step forward.
What if the situation had been two adult men fighting?
I bet security would have been called then.
The reporter of this incident followed them out to the parking lot to witness further abuse. The license plate number was obtained and Child Protective Services was called.
Their response? They did nothing because they “did not have an address.”
Where have we come to? What can be done about this?
Child Protective Services, I beg you to investigate this situation and rescue those children and most likely the mother as well from further abuse.
Mary Murphy
God particle
What did I miss?
Wow, they proved the existence of a particle that they believe has held the universe together for 6 billion years, but it only lasts a millisecond. What did I miss?
I guess it’s just like Hawaii has free public education, but you have to pay for the transportation for your children to get there.
Ken Obenski