Repairs to the Keei well that was damaged in March will be done a month sooner than the Department of Water Supply most recently announced. Repairs to the Keei well that was damaged in March will be done a month
Repairs to the Keei well that was damaged in March will be done a month sooner than the Department of Water Supply most recently announced.
A spokeswoman for the department said Thursday the contractor located a replacement motor for the well on Oahu. The department initially expected the work to take nine months. Last week, the contractor working on the project located a replacement motor core in Arizona, which would mean repairs could be done by the end of June. The latest estimate is to have the work done by the end of May, department officials said.
Other repair materials, including the check valve, stainless steel air pipe, and column pipe, are scheduled to arrive by air freight to Honolulu within the next three to four weeks, DWS officials said. Some of the materials exceed air freight standards for Kona Airport, so those items will arrive by barge to Kawaihae from Oahu. Installation of the spare motor, disinfection of the well, and testing of the pumping unit should take approximately two weeks after arrival of the materials.
By local sources