Laughter Therapy

Sometimes being a doctor is not only dangerous, but not fun! Let’s start with an experience I had last week. A neighbor called me and said, “Doc Shay, I have a serious question.” Of course I said, “How can I help you?” She then said with a bit of panic in her voice, “Well, remember a couple months ago I had a headache and you said it was OK to take a couple aspirin. Then about a month after that I call you with a backache and you said it would be OK to take a couple aspirin. Then I saw you after that awful tennis game and I had a stiff neck and shoulder pain. So, again you said I could take two aspirin. Well, listen now because I am so worried! This morning I almost ran over a kid crossing the street and I slammed on my brakes, sending my body against the steering wheel. Afterward I had a headache, back pain, stiff neck and shoulder pain. So, I took two aspirin for each symptom all at once, a total of eight. Was that OK?” I told her she would probably have an upset stomach and the best thing would be for her to empty her stomach. She then said, “Oh I forgot to tell you that I threw up all the aspirin about 15 minutes after I took them.” Yep folks, for some people the elevator does not go to the top floor!