HONOLULU — U.S. Rep Tulsi Gabbard is endorsing a fellow congresswoman for governor of Hawaii.
HONOLULU — U.S. Rep Tulsi Gabbard is endorsing a fellow congresswoman for governor of Hawaii.
Gabbard announced Wednesday she’s endorsing U.S. Rep Colleen Hanabusa, who is running against fellow Democrat Gov. David Ige.
Hanabusa says the endorsement is unexpected and shows that in Hawaii, differences are not always divisive.
Gabbard says she made her decision to back Hanabusa before a recent mistaken missile alert caused widespread panic and confusion. Gabbard says that a “failure of leadership” in the Ige administration affirms her belief that Hawaii desperately needs a strong governor.
Ige’s campaign didn’t immediately comment on the endorsement.
Gabbard was elected to the U.S. House in 2012. She is one of the first female combat veterans to serve in Congress, after deploying to Iraq and Kuwait.
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Against her own Democratic incumbent? Makes you wonder if Hanabusa had some Congressional dirt on Gabbard, which wouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, given the whole Syria and North Korea thing reveals her to be total fool, at least.
What? You didn’t know that it was our fault a murderous lunatic dictator acquired nuclear weapons? Yup, poor little North Korea was just trying to protect itself because of us. Oh, and did you know we “led” an attack that toppled Qaddafi in Libya? Apparently there was no such thing as the Arab Spring.
Sorry. Gov. Ige has lost more support than he’s gained over the past year. I think Ige is a nice man, but the Governor’s office is just not his forte.
Name-calling is sign of a weak argument.
You apparently believe that regime-change wars make countries better off. I suggest looking at Iraq and Libya and see how they’re faring now. Libya is an ISIS hotbed, thanks to the removal of Gaddafi.
“As the Islamic State terror network loses territory across Iraq and Syria, analysts and experts assert that the terrorist outfit is increasingly capitalizing on the chaos of Libya, positioning the country as its point of resurgence.
The black-clad jihadist outfit is believed to be regrouping and recruiting in the rural regions south of the main east-to-west coastal highway and in the far-west town of Sabratha, which is poised just 60 miles from the Tunisian border, since being run out of its Libyan “caliphate” capital of Sirte late last year.
“The majority of their fighting force comes from Tunisia, so Sabratha is also a growing center,” prominent terrorism analyst Robert Young Pelton told Fox News. “ISIS in Libya can regenerate quickly.”
You seem to be under the same delusion as Gabbard, that we were the reason Gaddafi was toppled. Once it got rolling we helped, so did others, but the root cause was the Arab Spring movement, which ended up in revolutions across the Middle East. It didn’t work out very well of course, revolutions are messy at best, and in most cases it merely replaced one brutal dictator with another. But that came from the people, not the West, and not the US. Dictators always get axed eventually, some hang on longer than others, that’s just a natural force. Look at our own experience, it was a hundred years before we resolved the tensions created between the North and South as a result of our revolution, and it took a bloody civil war.
As to regime change in general, I never said I was in favor of that, obviously we shouldn’t have pursued the Iraq war, it was too costly. Eventually it will probably benefit the people, certainly the Kurds are better off without their enemy, but it wasn’t our job. Which has nothing to do with Gabbard’s idiotic justification for North Korea acquiring nuclear weapons, her insistence we negotiate with a mad man, or her ludicrous defense of Assad. She is an embarrassment to this state and the Democratic party..
If you think those revolutions weren’t instigated by our CIA, I have some ocean-front property in Arizona you might be interested in buying…
I really don’t think the Arab Spring movement had much truck with the CIA . . .
Ige, Hanabusa same smell. Don’t let it happen people.
John Carroll